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BITNARU.COM Transfer Notice

링커코인 재단은 STO 거래소 사업진출을 위해 비트나루 거래소 사업을 현재 ㈜링커코리아에서 셰이셀 소재의 링커글로벌 (Linker Global Ltd.) 로 이전하기로 결정하였습니다. 이에 따라 비트나루 거래소는 현재 링커코인 재단의 이사이며 Linker Global Ltd. 의 CEO인 Thimothi Veerabatini가 운영할 것입니다. 

* 고객의 자산은 모두 ㈜링커코리아로부터 출금하실 수 있으며 고객의 요청없이 해외로 이전되지 않습니다.

* 별도의 요청 없이도 원화 및 모든 가상화폐의 출금은 정상적으로 가능합니다. 

* 원화거래는 6월 17일 월요일 중지될 예정입니다. 모든 원화입금은 중지됩니다.

* 비트나루 거래소 이후 영업 개시일: 6월 18일 화요일 

* 원화마켓의 가상화폐는 비트코인, 이더리움 그리고 링커마켓으로 대체될 것입니다. 

* 이용자들의 입급은행 계좌 등 개인정보는 개인정보보호법에 의거하여 Linker Global Ltd.로 이전되지 않으며 소멸될 예정입니다.

BITNARU.COM Transfer Notice

For entering new STO business, Linker Coin foundation decided to move BITANRU.COM from Linker Korea Co., Ltd. to Linker Global Ltd. in Seychelles. Bitnaru exchange will be operated by Thimothi Veerabatini who is CEO of Global Ltd. and also director of Linker Coin foundation.

* All clients’ assets can be withdrawn from Korea Co., Ltd. and will not be transfer to outside from South Korea without client’s request.

* All Korean Won and cryptocurrency can be withdrawn.

* KRW market will be paused after June 17th and further KRW deposit will not be accepted.

* Bitnaru exchange transfer date: June 18th

* All KRW market cryptocurrency will be replaced to Bitcoin, Ethereum and LNC market.

비트나루 CEO Thimothi Veerabatini 취임사

Bitnaru CEO Thimothi Veerabatini saying

“ We are happy to operate Bitnaru exchange and I would like to thank you all my employees who made this possible to launch this exchange and I really thank you all for the support and being our customers and partners.  With the power of Blockchain technology, we are excited and innovative to build and support digital economy. Our strong capabilities in blockchain domain – research, financial and talented innovative teams to build and deliver Security Token / Hybrid exchanges in near future and meet our customers’ and partners’ expectations.  We look forward for a successful 2019 and beyond. We are grateful and thank you for all of your support and look forward to a successful future together. “

Very Truly Yours,

Thimothi Veerabatini 

Linker Global Ltd.


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